Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blog abandonment

Hi all. I've not posted for the past 8 days or so because I'm getting through an ankle issue. Yes, I hurt myself during the run and I'm sure that it all happened when I poured on the steam (maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration) over the last 6 miles. I'm telling you, the person who said that the marathon is two races (the first 2o and the last 6.2) was totally correct. I'm dying to sneak out for a run. Any run. I'd settle on a 1 mile hobble at a 15 minute pace. Maybe a I'll try that. I gotta get out.

Now that the RnR training is done, what do I do with this blog??? I've grown attached to it, but I'm not planning on gearing up for another marathon until the end of this year or beginning of the next year. More than one marathon per year doesn't seem fair to my family. What to do? Well, here's my vision for the next 5 months: The bulk of the entries are going to be running related (why kill a good thing), but I'm also going to add more around the average day-to-day. Let me know your thoughts.

now get back to work...

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