Thursday, December 11, 2008

5.5 weeks to go

Distance: 8
Time: 1:26

I like running with other people, not just for the company, but also for the exchange of ideas. For example: Brice noticed that we had 6 weeks to go after last weekend and he told me that his strategy is to go through 3-4 weeks of hell (tons of miles) and then taper for the marathon. I liked the idea and I'm going to follow suit.

So, in sticking with the above play, I ran 8 miles for the second day in a row today, which is something I usually try to avoid (by the way, I don't remember marathon training being so hard 10 years ago). It was slow, but I'm feeling pretty good. I will ice the knee today, as it is being a little cranky, but nothing more than normal.

Of note, after yesterday's run I had no post-run electrolyte drink and, worse yet, no coffee. Are caffeine and electrolytes important after a longer run? Well I ran into a door at Shannon's daycare because I couldn't time the knob turning and pushing of the door to work together. Don't worry, only three mothers were there when I did that. Then I made a beeline for S-bucks to get myself a venti coffee in hopes of getting myself back on track. Seems simple enough, save for the fact that all three baristas behind the counter kept thinking I was saying "baby coffee". One said I was slurring. Great... So today I offed the HEED lemon lime nectar-of-the-gods (this stuff should replace methadone for heroine addicts) and a big cup of coffee. No problems today. I think I'll add the coffee and HEED to my post weekday running routine.

Now get back to work...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honest to God, you are a treat and even more fun to read. LOL
Love, Mom