Sunday, January 4, 2009

Dawn of the Dead

So, shortly after my last blog, I assumed all was well and that I was back on track for the RnR Marathon. I ran a 7 on Tuesday and 8 on Wednesday, and everything looked good. Then came January 2nd... Let me ask you, "what are the odds of catching two stomach flues in a 7 day stretch?" I wish that this was a rhetorical question.

Sooooo, this morning was perfect for running and my running partner, Brice, headed out for his twenty while I did practically nothing. Do you know how hard it is to know that you are physically able to run 20, but you are at home while someone else is doing it without you? I kept checking the time and thinking to myself, "he's probably at mile 10 now. I hope it's going well." I repeated this process ever 15 minutes until I was convinced that he finished his run. He might have caught a little rain at the end, but it should have been perfect running weather: 50 degree and cloudy.

I'm going to take one more day off and then I'll try to get back on track with three longer mid-week runs this week. If they go well, I'll give myself a green light for the Marathon. If not, then there's always the "Lost Dutchman" marathon in February.

New Year Thought:

Hey, to my faithful readers: 2008 was a curious year and I'm guessing that 2009 ain't gonna be much better, but one thing we can control is our perspective. When things go wrong we can look at the the pain or we can look at the friends who help pull us back up. I'm not going to turn this into some drawn out thing because I'm sure you can think of an example where bad things turned good. Not all do, but if we keep our perspective, we'll find more good than bad. Have a great 2009.

Now get back to work...

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