Friday, January 30, 2009

A not-so-great moment in sports medicine history

Yes, big pansy boy has been nursing a bad wheel for the last 10 days, but it's getting better. Reese has been riding his bike around the fountain park and I've been gimping around with a mix of running and walking. In all, it feels like it's at about 70%. I've also been putting on some Mineral Ice on my ankle and it works well. You know the stuff: smells bad and tingles a little, something like bengay.

Soooooo, yesterday I was scrambling to get the kids off to school while also getting a shower in somewhere and I made the unfortunate mistake of shaving, putting the mineral ice on the ankle, and then applying face lotion. Yes, my face was feeling very "refreshed" for about 15 minutes. Ugh. I won't make that mistake again...for at least a week.

Kudos to Elite for good customer service:

I once read that people rarely tell others about good customer service, but they'll readily tell something like 10 people about a poor customer service experience. So here comes a good one, and a bad one. The socks that I purchased from the RnR marathon expo were from Sock Guy and had a picture of a guy running on them with a saguaro cactus and a bunch of other bling on them. They are ugly, but they'll remind me of my accomplishment. After one washing the heel on one of the socks started to come undone. I first called Sock Guy customer service and they took my number, said they'd call me back, and a week later I had no response. So I gave Elite Racing a call. They immediately called me back and shipped out a new pair of socks with no questions asked. Sock Guy customer service loses a point and Elite Racing gains a few points.

now get back to work...

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