Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blog focus shift

Ok, I've decided to make a change with this blog. I used to focus on the marathon, but that need has passed. As such, I'm making a shift for the short term. I'm going to take a stab at entering...who knows what. It could be a random thought when I was getting coffee; or an observation about my kids; or something stupid I did (i'm guessing that this will be the bulk of the entries). Anyway, let's shake things up and see what happens. And with that I'm now drawing a total blank about what to enter. Stay tuned.

I will keep adding stuff about running. The short if it is, I've only been doing threes and my ankle still sucks. I'm afraid to complain about it in front of Mary for fear that she'll ban me from ever doing a marathon again. I can see it now. I pop off with a "oh honey, I'm starting to gear up for RnR in January." Then she'll roll her eyes and ask how much moaning and belly aching will she have to put up with after the run is done. I tend to be in her camp on this one. I hate whiners and she's even less patient with them than I am...probably because women are tougher than men, and you all know that this is true. I have two words for you who are naysayers: child birth. nuff said.

now get back to work...

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