Thursday, October 9, 2008


Delinquent blogger. Here's 4 posts.

Run: 5 miles
Time: 52:53
Quality: 8/10 it felt good

I ran along Lake Michigan today and I thought I'd only go for about 3.5, but when I saw the Field Museum and the Shedd Aquarium, which also is very close to Soldier Field, I kept running. They looked like they were pretty close, but they are very big and the distance was a lot further than I thought. Still, it was great fun.

Note of disappointment. I purchased a McDavid leg sleeve for my shin splints and paid the extra cash for it to be FedEx'd out to me before the trip to Chicago. They waited three days to ship it and it, unfortunately, arrived the day I left. So it's in AZ and I'm in pain. Grrrr.

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