Run: 8 miles
Time: 1:25:57
Temp: 73 and cloudy. Very nice.
Quality: 8/10
First, I'm thinking that my communication skills need some help. Brice and I didn't connect for the run today and I'm 99% certain that it was from me communicating poorly. Brice will soon learn something that my wife has known for years, I'm an idiot.
Bright side is that I hooked up with Matt Teusink, my chiropractor. He's interested in doing the RnR and, judging from how he did today, I'm thinking that he'll be able to tackle it with ease. Just like Brice, Matt has a Garmin. Does everyone but me have one of those things? Needless to say that running along side him and his toy did nothing to quiet the gadget demons in my head. They WANT a Garmin. Will I have to enter some techno 12 step program? Maybe I'll be in the room next to David Duchovny recovering from sex addiction. PS, David, we're guys; sex addiction is part and parcel with being a guy.
Oh, and if you run with a chiropractor in a small town where he's helped people for over 17 years, you better be prepared for a lot of waving hand and quick hellos. He knows EVERYONE.
Anyway, the run went well. Matt was great company and I'm hoping that I can hook him up with Brice next time around. Speaking of next time folks, over the next 4 weeks my blogs will be coming from Laguna, New Jersey, New York, and Chicago. If anything, expect better pictures with my endless ramblings.
Now get back to enjoying your Labor Day weekend!