Today's run: 4+ Miles in 47:26
Temp: Comfortable, probably 80
Run Quality: 6 out of 10
Note: Beauty of a sunrise, see above.
If I say to you, "Don't think about Green Monkeys." What do you think about? Yep, Green Monkeys. Why do I bring this up? Because the book, Chi Running, has really helped me in ways that the author might not have predicted. In case you didn't know, my right knee is my nemesis. It's been surgically "repaired" and never quite recovered. It is my companion on many runs and talks, sometimes shouts, at me the entire time. Grrrrrrrrr. Prior to reading Chi Running I'd look for it to talk to me with each step, and when you are taking 3000 to 5000 steps you can create your own self fulfilling prophecy; however, I found that when I concentrated on the principles of Chi Running (form, breathing, cadence, etc) my mind had no time to think about the knee. And when I stopped thinking about the knee, it pretty much stopped talking to me. Bye, bye Green Monkeys. If you've not read Chi Running, pick it up. It's a "must read" for any runner.
With all that said, Chi Running can only do so much. I toinked my knee during my long run on Sunday, which sent me into a panic. I was thinking, "great, started a blog a week ago and now it's over." Not to mention the fact that I REALLY, REALLY wanted to do long runs again. Some of my favorite moments on the planet have happened at mile 10 and beyond. Runner's High, maybe, but it goes beyond that and those of you who have logged some serious miles know what I'm talking about. So in my state of panic I ran out and purchased new shoes and shoe inserts (Superfeet) to help my knee. As well, I dialed back my run today, doing approximately 11 minute miles. Net result of the new shoes, new inserts, slower pace, and thinking about the Chi form as opposed to the knee, the run went reasonably well.
1. when I have too much coffee, I shouldn't blog.
2. for me to do the RnR marathon in January, I think I'll have to dial back my expectations for the finishing time. I'm looking to break 5 hours instead of 4. I promised my body that I'd be good to it in the hope that it would be good back to me. I will fulfill that promise.
Now I need to talk to Brice (my long run partner) about my new plan for the marathon. I may be going solo on my long runs. Doh!
Now get back to work.
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