Thursday, August 28, 2008

The rack!!!

Run: treadmill-stair-stepper-thingy
Time: 30:00
Temp: I was inside
Quality: 7/10

Every once and a while I can't commit to a full run with warm-up, warm-down, etc. When this happens, I use the machine I call "the rack."
It's an evil device filled with paradox: You work hard, but you don't go anywhere; It's low impact, but your legs are wobbly when you get off; It's cool and indoor, but you sweat profusely.

My biggest issue with it is that I'm forced to watch Mary's Deloitte screen saver flash up over and over and over and over and over with their mission and values. Gag. Which brings up a little sidebar for us: why do all fortune 500 companies have the EXACT SAME mission and values? How can we take them seriously when their Mission is to be the industry standard, and their values are Teamwork, Diversity, Integrity, Excellence. Double gag. Some very intelligent and highly paid people probably did a week long "off-site" meeting to create those. Nice work guys.

Long story short (too late) I did 30 minutes on that rack and it's better than not doing anything at all. I'll try for 5 tomorrow. Until then...Get back to work.

1 comment:

NortonTwin said...

Is that a cup holder I see?!?!?! If you fess up to the double-vanilla-soy latte, I'm going to revoke your man card! :-)