Friday, August 15, 2008


Run: 3.7mi
Time: 41:17
Pace: Just over 11 minute miles.
Temp: 78 it rained last night and the humidity was through the roof
Quality: 7/10

I'm totally slammed right now with work, so this will be a short one. The knee is doing very well right now. I did the shoes, insoles, slowed the pace, and I even had my Chiropractor (Matthew Teusink) do a little acupressure on the bad boy. Net result: I'm pain free for the moment.

I saw Brice doing his morning run and broke the news to him that I'd be backing off the pace. He seemed cool with it, but I'll double check with him later, as I totally respect that he's gunning for 10 minute mile pace.

Finally, I realized today that a couple of weeks ago I woke up one morning and randomly decided that I was going to do the RnR Marathon, and I never thought about asking my wife, Mary, if this commitment was cool with her. So I did that this morning and she replied with, "if you want to go and do something crazy like that, go for it." Thanks honey?.?.?.?

Now get back to work.

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