Run: 4 miles up Palisades
Time: who knows, but it was slooooowwww
Temp: 77
Quality: 3/10
You know it's going to be a bad run when the alarm goes off and you feel like you only got 2 hours of sleep. I was a bad boy and watched the Olympics late last night, but congrats to the USA Men's Beach Volleyball team. They fought hard with Brazil, and held on to win in 3 sets. Anyway, back to running. From the first step of my run today my legs felt like they were tied to two 90 pound bags of cement. I barely caught an elderly man walking his dog. To my defense, he seemed to be a spry gentleman and he was pushing himself...who am I kidding. I was sucking wind. Oh well, I guess you have to experience the bad runs to know what the good runs feel like. Yes?
Now get back to work! And have a great weekend.
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