Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Shin Noise

Distance: 6.2 miles
Time: 1:05
Temp: 73 and breezy - I had not noticed this before, but there's no wind in the AM in the desert
Quality: 7/10

Got up way early for this one, 4:45am. I've decided to up the miles on Wednesday or Thursday (but I may amend this before this blog is through, you'll see). I don't plan on doing anything longer than 8 on Wednesdays, but Brice is talking about doing 10 and more. I disagree with this approach, but that's just an opinion.

I made a spectacle of myself on the run today by inhaling a bug at about mile 2. It hit me squarely in the back of my throat, which then started me gagging...a lot. What a nasty experience, but I bet it was funny to watch. Wish I had a video of it.

The run was good, but there's a little issue popping up. The possibility of Shin Splints. My right shin has been achy for the last week or so. I've been trying to gut through it, which I know is a really bad idea, but then I'm a stupid guy. So what do you expect? I really don't want to back off the miles and I certainly can't back off the pace. I'm getting passed by everything from old ladies walking their dogs to ants carrying full sized potato chips in their mandibles. I'll try ice and stretching for one more week and then I'll re-assess the situation.

Now get back to work.

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